
ready to publish? beware vanity presses.


Being both an author and a freelance editor, I spend a lot of time on various publishing-related groups on social media platforms. Without fail, the same questions come up again and again. I often respond to them. Unfortunately, my experience leads me to believe that many new authors don’t do their research before they agree to the first offer they receive for their manuscripts. That leads...

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


Publishing involves process, especially traditional publishing. In my “real” life, I’m a freelance writer, editor, and book designer. I help authors along the publishing journey by providing discrete services. Although the name of my business may suggest otherwise, Hen House Publishing is not a traditional publisher. That being said, I receive and see inquiries every week from...

book reviews


Occasionally in various author and writing groups, I come across posts asking whether, as a reader, I post reviews on books I do not finish or post reviews for books written by other authors. These queries come across as though the person posting were squeamish about book reviews. Inevitably, the posts gain traction from two basic camps of respondents. To answer the first question, yes, I do post...

diving into hot water


I’m one of those people who sticks to my guns when I believe I’m right or on the high moral ground, despite being lambasted for airing an unpopular opinion. In fact, I’ll air it again and again. Eventually, I’ll find someone who agrees with me, right? The latest contremps centered on my response to a post in a writing group from a writer who was having difficulty...